don't name it, eat it.
One of the hardest thing is thinking about how we can change as our preference. so live your life as you want it to be like i'm trying by now. good luck.
Monday, October 06, 2008
denger2 prospekt's march mau launching album buat epnya tanggal 10 november nanti!
tapi ngomong2.. gue sempet liat link ini dan ada list data2 yang termasuk ada tanggal ultah gue :P (sebenernya ga penting sih..) tapi patut dibicarakan juga, khususnya coldplayers, coldplay fans, ato yang seneng2 sama band ini deh :D

it says like this :

The Observer on 24th February, 2008 gave us more information on Coldplay's new album, and in particular, details of this track and the new CD artwork. Here's what they had to say:

Coldplay were persuaded to write the closing credit track for new British film The Escapist, a Sundance hit. Now the band have seen and loved the film, they have decided to include 'Song for the Escapist' on their forthcoming album. I hear, too, that the record company was a little miffed at having to redesign the CD artwork to include the song on the track listing, but the band insisted and their patronage will, I'm sure, give this tough British film a boost!

klik lagi aja biar jelas.. hehe

wohoooo... dan ternyata benar, the escapiest itu lagunya termasuk bagus.. pokoknya album viva la vida emang yang udah paling oke (top!)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Afi suka banget sama Coldplay ya? :P
Mampir ke blog gue dong Fi terus kasih komen di Buku Tamu'nya yaa? Btw postingan gue yang pertama itu agak terinspirasi dari tulisan lo di MVP sih, hehe, pokoknya cek aja deh :P